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It has been said that by fueling your creativity, you expand your spirituality. I have always been a creative soul all the while searching for the secrets of the universe. I didn't know all along that by creating, I have been manifesting a deeper spiritual connection. 


Sometimes creating is not enough. I lacked the focus to quiet my mind coupled with countless neurological tics that make it rather difficult to commit to any sort of meditation. I began making Malas to help ground me and channel whatever wild energies I have floating around. The more I speak to those around me, the more I'm realizing that I am not alone in my challenges with meditation. Breathing is a trigger for many people including myself and when that is all you focus on, it can become quite agitating. Meditation is more than just breathing exercises and it looks different for everyone but this is a whole other topic for another day. I use my Malas for meditation, for chanting mantras, to wear daily to help me redirect any pesky anxieties. 


I love the entire process of Mala-making. I love how the beads speak to me while choosing my combinations, I love how they come alive in different lighting, I love hand-knotting while infusing each knot with good intentions. My hope is that others get out of their Malas what I get out of mine. 






Why are there 108 beads in a typical Mala? There are 108 different meaningful reasons you can find for the number 108.


The energy represented by the number 108 resonates with infinite potential. It contains idealism, philanthropy, and a tendency to explore new avenues for getting things done. The energy is realistic and a self-starter.


***The number combines the humanitarianism of the energy the number 9 represents (the number 108 reduces to the number 9), with the self-reliance of the number 1. It also includes the wholeness of the number 0 and the efficiency of the number 8.


The foundation number energy always has more force or capacity than the energy represented by the digits of the number being reduced. The relative amount each contributes to the whole.


Thus, the 108 energy contains:

a large dose of 9 energy such as humanitarianism, generosity, and patience,

plus a dose of 1 energy such as independence, finding new ways of doing things, and self-determination,

plus a dose of 0 energy such as wholeness, all that is, and comprehensiveness,

plus a dose of 8 energy such as business, establishing industry, and legal profession.

The blend results in an energy unique to the number 108.




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